Modules, packages, oh my!! ========================== In this third phase, we chop up our original *election\* module into a legitimate Python package. The new directory structure is (hopefully) self-explanatory: :: ├── elex3 │   ├── │   ├── lib │   │   ├── │   │   ├── │   │   ├── │   │   └── │   ├── scripts │   │   └── │   └── tests │   ├── │   ├── sample_results.csv │   ├── sample_results_parsed.json │   ├── sample_results_parsed_tie_race.json │   ├── │   └── - ``lib/`` contains re-usable bits of code. - ``scripts/`` contains...well..scripts that leverage our re-usable code. - ``tests/`` contains tests for re-usable bits of code and related fixtures. Note that we did not change any of our functions. Mostly we just re-organized them into new modules, with the goal of grouping related bits of logic in common-sense locations. We also updated imports and "namespaced" them of our own re-usable code under *elex3.lib*. Here's where we start seeing the benefits of the tests we wrote in the *elex2* phase. While we've heavily re-organized our underlying code structure, we can run the same tests (with a few minor updates to *import* statements) to ensure that we haven't broken anything. **Note**: You must add the *refactoring101* directory to your *PYTHONPATH* before any of the tests or script will work. .. code:: bash $ cd /path/to/refactoring101 $ export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`:$PYTHONPATH $ nosetests -v elex3/tests/*.py $ python elex3/scripts/ Check out the results of the *save\_summary\_to\* command. The new *summary\_results.csv* should be stored *inside* the *elex3* directory, and should match the results file produced by *elex2/election\*. Questions --------- - Do you *like* the package structure and module names? How would you organize or name things differently? - Why is it necessary to add the *refactoring101/* directory to your PYTHONPATH? - What are three ways to add a library to the PYTHONPATH? - What is a class? What is a method? - What is an object in Python? What is an instance? - What is the **init** method on a class used for? - What is *self* and how does it relate to class instances? Exercises --------- - Look at the original results data, and model out some classes and methods to reflect "real world" entities in the realm of elections. - Examine functions in *lib/* and try assigning three functions to one of your new classes. - Try extracting logic from the *summarize* function and re-implement it as a method on one of your classes.