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Races have Candidates!

With the basics of our Candidate class out of the way, let’s move on to building out the Race class. This higher-level class will manage updates to our candidate instances, along with metadata about the race itself such as election date and office/district.

Recall that in elex3, the lib/ ensured that county-level results were assigned to the appropriate candidate. We’ll now migrate that logic over to the Race class, along with a few other repsonsibilities:

  • Tracking overall vote count for the race
  • Updating candidates with new county-level votes
  • Determining which candidate, if any, won the race

Metadata and Total votes

The Race class keeps a running tally of all votes. This figure is the sum of all county-level votes received by individual candidates.

Let’s build out the Race class with basic metadata fields and an add_result method that updates the total vote count.

This should be pretty straight-forward, and you’ll notice that the tests mirror those used to perform vote tallies on Candidate instances.

# Don't forget to import Race from elex4.lib.models at the top of your test module!

class TestRace(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.smith_result = {
            'date': '2012-11-06',
            'candidate': 'Smith, Joe',
            'party': 'Dem',
            'office': 'President',
            'county': 'Fairfax',
            'votes': 2000,
        self.race = Race("2012-11-06", "President", "")

    def test_total_votes_default(self):
        "Race total votes should default to zero"
        self.assertEquals(self.race.total_votes, 0)

    def test_total_votes_update(self):
        "Race.add_result should update racewide vote count"
        self.assertEquals(self.race.total_votes, 2000)

Go ahead and run those tests and watch them fail.

Now let’s build out our initial Race class with an add_result method to make the tests pass.

class Race(object):

    def __init__(self, date, office, district): = date = office
        self.district = district
        self.total_votes = 0

    def add_result(self, result):
        self.total_votes += result['votes']

Candidate Bookkeeping

In earlier phases of the project, the parser code ensured that county-level results were grouped with the appropriate, unique candidate in each race. If you recall, those county results were stored in a list for each candidate:


def parse_and_clean

  # ... snipped...

      # Store county-level results by slugified office and district (if there is one),
        # then by candidate party and raw name
        race_key = row['office']
        if row['district']:
            race_key += "-%s" % row['district']

        # Create unique candidate key from party and name, in case multiple candidates have same
        cand_key = "-".join((row['party'], row['candidate']))

        # Get or create dictionary for the race
        race = results[race_key]

        # Get or create candidate dictionary with a default value of a list; Add result to the list
        race.setdefault(cand_key, []).append(row)

We now have Candidate classes that manage their own county results. But we need to migrate the bookkeeping of Candidate instances from the parser code to the Race class. Specifically, we need create a new Candidate instance or fetch a pre-existing instance, as appropriate, for each county result.

Let’s start by adding a test to our TestRace class that ensures we’re updating a single candiate instance, rather than accidentally creating duplicate instances.

class TestRace(TestCase):

    # ... snipped ...

    def test_add_result_to_candidate(self):
        "Race.add_result should update a unique candidate instance"
        # Add a vote twice. If it's the same candidate, vote total should be sum of results
        cand_key = (self.smith_result['party'], self.smith_result['candidate'])
        candidate = self.race.candidates[cand_key]
        self.assertEquals(candidate.votes, 4000)

Run that test and watch it fail. You’ll notice we have a new candidates attribute that is a dictionary. This is pretty much the same approach we used in earlier phases, where we stored candidate data by a unique key. However, instead of using a slug, we’re now using tuples as keys.

Accessing candidate data directly in this way is a code smell, and it could be argued that we should also write a candidate lookup method. We’ll leave that as an exercise.

Now let’s update the Race class and its add_result method to make the test pass.

class Race(object):

    def __init__(self, date, office, district):
        # .... snipped ....
        # We add the candiddates dictionary
        self.candidates = {}

    def add_result(self, result):
        self.total_votes += result['votes']
        # Below lines
        candidate = self.__get_or_create_candidate(result)
        candidate.add_votes(result['county'], result['votes'])

    # Private methods
    def __get_or_create_candidate(self, result):
        key = (result['party'], result['candidate'])
            candidate = self.candidates[key]
        except KeyError:
            candidate = Candidate(result['candidate'], result['party'])
            self.candidates[key] = candidate
        return candidate

Above, the bulk of our work is handled by a new private method called __get_or_create_candidate. This method attempts to fetch a pre-existing *Candidate* instance or creates a new one and adds it to the dictionary, before returning the instance.

Once we have the correct instance, we call its add_votes method to update the vote count and add the result to that candidate’s county results list.

Our test verifies this by calling the add_result method twice and then checking the candidate instance’s vote count to ensure the vote count is correct.

Testing purists may point out that we’ve violated the principle of test isolation, since this unit test directly accesses the candidate instance and relies on its underlying vote tallying logic. There are testing strategies and tools, such as mocks, to help avoid or minimize such tight coupling between unit tests. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll wave our hand at that issue in this tutorial and leave it as a study exercise for the reader.

Assigning Winners

We’re now ready for the last major piece of the puzzle, namely, migrating the code that determines race winners. This logic was previously handled in the summary function and its related tests.

# elex3/lib/

# ... snipped ....

    # sort cands from highest to lowest vote count
    sorted_cands = sorted(cands, key=itemgetter('votes'), reverse=True)

    # Determine winner, if any
    first = sorted_cands[0]
    second = sorted_cands[1]

    if first['votes'] != second['votes']:
        first['winner'] = 'X'

# ... snipped ....

We’ll migrate our tests and apply some minor updates to reflect the fact that we’re now storing data in Candidate and Race classes, rather than nested dictionaries and lists.

It’s important to note that while we’re modifying the test syntax to accommodate our new objects, we’re not changing the substance of the tests.

First, let’s add an extra sample result to the setUp method to support each test.

# elex4/tests/

class TestRace(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

      # ... snipped ....

        self.doe_result = {
            'date': '2012-11-06',
            'candidate': 'Doe, Jane',
            'party': 'GOP',
            'office': 'President',
            'county': 'Fairfax',
            'votes': 1000,

Next, let’s migrate the winner, non-winner and tie race tests from elex3/tests/test_summary to the TestRace class in elex4/tests/

class TestRace(TestCase):

      # ... snipped ....

    def test_winner_has_flag(self):
        "Winner flag should be assigned to candidates with most votes"
        # Our new method triggers the assignment of the winner flag
        smith = [cand for cand in self.race.candidates.values() if cand.last_name == 'Smith'][0]
        self.assertEqual(smith.winner, 'X')

    def test_loser_has_no_winner_flag(self):
        "Winner flag should not be assigned to candidate that does not have highest vote total"
        doe = [cand for cand in self.race.candidates.values() if cand.last_name == 'Doe'][0]

    def test_tie_race(self):
        "Winner flag should not be assigned to any candidate in a tie race"
        # Modify Doe vote count to make it a tie for this test method
        self.doe_result['votes'] = 2000
        for cand in self.race.candidates.values():
            self.assertEqual(cand.winner, '')

These tests mirror the test methods in elex3/tests/ We’ve simply tweaked them to reflect our class-based apprach and to exercise the new Race method that assigns the winner flag.

We’ll eventually delete the duplicative tests in, but we’re not quite ready to do so yet.

First, let’s make these tests pass by tweaking the Candidate class and implementing the Race.assign_winner method:

# elex4/lib/

class Candidate(object):

    def __init__(self, raw_name, party):

        # ... snipped...

        # Add a new winner attribute to candidate class with empty string as default value
        self.winner = ''

class Race(object):

    # ... snipped...

    def assign_winner(self):
        # Sort cands from highest to lowest vote count
        sorted_cands = sorted(self.candidates.values(), key=attrgetter('votes'), reverse=True)

        # Determine winner, if any
        first = sorted_cands[0]
        second = sorted_cands[1]

        if first.votes != second.votes:
            first.winner = 'X'

Above, notice that we added a default Candidate.winner attribute, and a Race.assign_winner method. The latter is nearly a straight copy of our original winner-assignment logic in the summarize function. The key differences are:

  • We’re calling self.candidate.values() to get a list of Candidate instances, since these are now stored in a dictionary.
  • We’re using attrgetter instead of itemgetter to access the candidate’s vote count for purposes of sorting. This is necessary, of course, because we’re now sorting by the value of an instance attribute rather than the value of a dictionary key.
  • We’re accessing the votes attribute on candidate instances rather than performing dictionary lookups.