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Enter stage left - Races and Candidates

The Candidate and Race classes now encapsulate our core logic. It’s time to put these classes to work.

This is the step we’ve been waiting for – where we simplify the parser ond summary code by outsourcing complex logic to simple domain models (i.e. Candidate and Race classes).

Major code updates such as this feel like changing the engine on a moving car: It’s scary, and you’re never quite sure if an accident is waiting around the corner. Fortunately, we have a suite of tests that let us apply our changes and quickly get feedback on whether we broke anything.

Let’s start by swapping in the Race class in the parser code, the entry point of our application. The Race class replaces nested dictionaries and lists.

Update Parser

def parse_and_clean():

    # ... snipped ...

    results = {}

    # Initial data clean-up
    for row in reader:
        # Convert votes to integer
        row['votes'] = int(row['votes'])

        # Store races by slugified office and district (if there is one)
        race_key = row['office']
        if row['district']:
            race_key += "-%s" % row['district']

            race = results[race_key]
        except KeyError:
            race = Race(row['date'], row['office'], row['district'])
            results[race_key] = Race


    # ... snipped ...

Here are the list of changes:

  • Delete the candidate name parsing code
  • Simplify results storage and use try/except to get/create Race instances
  • Update Race and, by extension, candidate vote totals, by calling add_result on Race instance.

Before porting the summarize function to use this new input, let’s update the parser tests and ensure evertyhing runs correctly. We’ll tweak our test to use dotted-attribute notation instead of dictionary lookups, to reflect the new class-based approach.

# elex4/tests/

class TestParser(TestCase):

    def test_name_parsing(self):
        "Parser should split full candidate name into first and last names"
        race = results['President']
        smith = [cand for cand in race.candidates.values() if cand.last_name == 'Smith'][0]
        # Below lines changed from dictionary access
        self.assertEqual(smith.first_name, 'Joe')   # formerly, smith['first_name']
        self.assertEqual(smith.last_name, 'Smith')  # formerly, smith['last_name']

Now run the tests:

nosetests -v elex4/tests/

The updated parse_and_clean function is easier to read and maintain than its original version, but it could still be much improved. For instance, we could easily hide the race-key logic and type conversion of votes inside the Race class.

We could also transform the function into a class, and encapsulate the get/create logic for Race instances in a private method, similar to the *Race.__get_or_create_candidate* method.

We’ll leave such refactorings as exercises for the reader.


  • The parse_and_clean function, though simplified, still has too much cruft. Perform the following refactorings:
  • Move code that converts votes to an integer inside the Race class
  • Create a Race.key property that encapsulates this logic, and remove it from the parser function
  • Simplify the return value of parse_and_clean to only return a list of Race instances, rather than a dictionary. This will require also refactoring the summarize function
  • Refactor the parse_and_clean function into a Parser class with a private *__get_or_create_race* method.

Update Summary

Refactoring the summarize function is a bit trickier than the parser code, since we plan to change the input data for this function. Recall that the parser code now returns a dict of Race instances, rather than nested dicts. The summarize function needs to be updated to handle this type of input.

This also means that we can no longer feed the test fixture JSON, as is, to the summarize function in our setUp method. Instead, we need to build input data that mirrors what would be returned by the updated parse_and_clean function: Namely, a dictionary containing Race instances as values.

First, we’ll simplify the test fixtures by removing the nested object structure. Instead, we’ll make them a simple array of result objects.

Note: We could re-use the same JSON fixtures from elex3 without modification, but this would result in a more convoluted setUp method. Wherever possible, use the simplest test data possible.

Then we’ll update the setUp method to handle our simpflified JSON fixtures, and we’ll move into a new TestSummaryBase class. TestSummaryResults and TestTieRace will sub-class this new base class instead of TestCase, allowing them both to make use of the same setUp code.

This is an example of class inheritance. Python classes can inherit methods and attributes from other classes by subclassing one or more parent classes. This is a powerful, core concept of object-oriented programming that helps keep code clean and re-usable.

And it’s one that we’ve been using for a while, when we subclassed unittest.TestCase in our test classes. We’re essentially substituting our own parent class, one that blends the rich functionality of TestCase with a custom setUp method. This allows the same setUp code to be used by methods in multiple subclasses.

class TestSummaryBase(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # Recall that sample data only has a single Presidential race
        race = Race('2012-11-06', 'President', '')
        for result in self.SAMPLE_RESULTS:
        # summarize function expects a dict, keyed by race
        summary = summarize({'President': race})
        self.race = summary['President']

# Update the main test classes to inherit this base class, instead of
# directly from TestCase

class TestSummaryResults(TestSummaryBase):

# ... snipped ...

class TestTieRace(TestSummaryBase):

# ... snipped ...

If you ran the suite now, you’d see all tests failing.

Now we’re ready to swap in our new class-based implementation. This time we’ll be deleting quite a bit of code, and tweaking what remains. Below is the new code, followed by a list of major changes:

# We removed the defaultdict and use a plain-old dict
summary = {}

for race_key, race in results.items():
    cands = []
    # Call our new assign_winner method
    # Loop through Candidate instances and extract a dictionary
    # of target values. Basically, we're throwing away county-level
    # results since we don't need those for the summary report
    for cand in race.candidates.values():
        # Remove lower-level county results
        # This is a dirty little trick to botainfor easily obtaining
        # a dictionary of candidate attributes.
        info = cand.__dict__.copy()
        # Remove county results

    summary[race_key] = {
        'all_votes': race.total_votes,
        'district': race.district,
        'candidates': cands,

return summary

Changes to the summariz function include:

  • Convert summary output to plain dictionary (instead of defaultdict)
  • Delete all code for sorting and determining winner. This is replaced by a call to the assign_winner method on Race classes.
  • Create a list of candidate data as dictionaries without county-level results
  • Update code that adds data to the summary dictionary to use the race instance and newly created cands list.

Of course, we should run our test to make sure the implementation works.

nosetests -v elex4/tests/

At this point, our refactoring work is complete. We should verify that all tests run without failures:

nosetests -v elex4/tests/test_*.py

Overall, the summarize function has grown much simpler by outsourcing the bulk of work to the Race and Candidate classes. In fact, it could be argued that the summarize function doesn’t do enough at this point to justify its existence. Its main role is massaging data into a form that plays nice with the script.

It might make sense to push the remaining bits of logic into the Race/Candidate model classes and the script.

You’ll also notice that the summary tests closely mirror those for the Race class in elex4/tests/ Redundant tests can cause confusion and add maintenance overhead.

It would make sense at this point to delete the summarize tests for underlying functionality – tallying votes, assigning winners – and create new tests specific to the summary output. For example, you could write a test that ensures the output structure meets expections.


  • What is a class attribute?
  • How does Python construct classes?
  • What is the __dict__ special attribute on a class?
  • How can the built-in type function be used to construct classes dynamically?


  • Implement a Race.summary property that returns all data for the instance, minus the Candidate county results. Swap this implementation into the summarize function.
  • Delete tests in elex4/tests/ and add a new test that verifies the structure of the output.